Update the BookLegacySkeleton class

  1. Open BookLegacySkeleton.java in the editor.
  2. To allow the methods which will be added, to be found, after the package line type:
    import com.company.project.Book.BookOperation; 
  3. Each of the methods will have code
    // TODO : fill this with the necessary business logic
     throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException( "Please implement " 
        	 + this .getClass().getName() + "#nextBook" ); 
    Replace the appropriate throw statement with the appropriate return statement.
    Important: Axis2 may generate the methods in a different order and so care is needed in pasting the correct return statement to the correct method. Alter the stockNo<n> parameter so that it fits with the one in that particular method.
    public com.company.project.booklegacy.BookReturnE nextBook(
    			com.company.project.booklegacy.StockNoE stockNo) {
    		return BookOperation.nextBook(stockNo);
    	public com.company.project.booklegacy.BookReturnE readBook(
    			com.company.project.booklegacy.StockNoE stockNo0) {
    		return BookOperation.readBook(stockNo0);
    	public com.company.project.booklegacy.BookReturnE deleteBook(
    			com.company.project.booklegacy.StockNoE stockNo2) {
    		return BookOperation.deleteBook(stockNo2);
    	public com.company.project.booklegacy.BookReturnE addBook(
    			com.company.project booklegacy.NewBook newBook) {
    		return BookOperation.addBook(newBook);
  4. Click Save All (Ctrl+Shift+S).

Everything should build cleanly and is almost ready to deploy.