
Gets the server information for the currently accessed server.


call FSV-C-get-server-info using      fsvw-data-block


fsvw-data-block A group item defined as:
  fsvw-server-name pic x(20).
  fsvw-server-startup pic x(20).
  fsvw-server-usage pic x(4).
  fsvw-timing-io-cnt pic x(4) comp-x.
  fsvw-trace-on pic x comp-x.

See the topic FSVIEW Datablock for a complete definition of fsvw-data-block.

On Entry:


On Exit:

fsvw-server-name The name of the currently selected server. This is the name that the Fileshare Server was started with in the /s option.
fsvw-server-startup The time and date when the server was started, in the format hh:mm:ss dd-mm-yy
fsvw-server-usage The proportion of current execution time that the server is actually processing requests
fsvw-timing-io-cnt The number of input and output operations per second
fsvw-trace-on The trace modes that are currently on


The success of the call can be checked by examining RETURN-CODE.