How Enterprise Server finds a match

Your match criteria can be specific or general. However, we recommend that you be as specific as possible to avoid conflicts with other users. If more than one user specifies details that match a particular service or application instance, the most specific match (that is, the session that provided the most specific information) will be attached to the instance.

Note: You can view the active dynamic debug sessions and the associated debug criteria on your enterprise server by using the Dyn-Dbg button in ESMAC. You can also use the screen to remove debug criteria that are no longer required. To access ESMAC, see To start ESMAC for a server.


USERA specifies Web Services started from a particular client IP address. USERB specifies Web Services started from the same client IP address, but also specifies the service name. When a matching web service is started, the enterprise server will attach USERB's debug session to the service.

When you specify the match criteria, you will be warned if they are similar to those provided by another user. If you specify identical match criteria to those provided by another user, you will receive an error message and the criteria will be rejected.