サンプル プログラム


000010 identification division. 
000020 program-id. stock-file-set-up. 
000030 author. MicroFocus. 
000040 environment division. 
000050 configuration section. 
000060 source-computer. mds-800. 
000070 object-computer. mds-800. 
000075 special-names. console is crt. 
000080 input-output section. 
000090 file-control. 
000100  select stock-file assign "stock.it" 
000110  organization indexed 
000120  access dynamic 
000130  record key stock-code. 
000140 data division. 
000150 file section. 
000160 fd   stock-file record 32. 
000170 01   stock-item. 
000180  02  stock-code       pic x(4). 
000190  02  product-desc     pic x(24). 
000200  02  unit-size        pic 9(4). 
000210 working-storage section. 
000220 01   screen-headings. 
000230  02  ask-code pic x(21) value "stock code    <    >".
000240  02  filler   pic x(59). 
000250  02  ask-desc pic x(16) value "description   <".
000260  02  si-desc  pic x(25) value "                 >".
000270  02  filler   pic x(39). 
000280  02  ask-size pic x(21) value "unit size <    >".
000290 01   enter-it redefines screen-headings. 
000300  02      filler       pic x(12). 
000310  02  crt-stock-code   pic x(4).
000320  02      filler       pic x(80). 
000330  02  crt-prod-desc    pic x(24). 
000340  02      filler       pic x(51). 
000350  02  crt-unit-size    pic 9(4). 
000360  02  filler           pic x. 
000370 procedure division. 
000380 sr1. 
000390  display space. 
000400  open i-o stock-file. 
000410  display screen-headings. 
000420 normal-input. 
000430  move space to enter-it. 
000440  display enter-it. 
000450 correct-error.
000460  accept enter-it. 
000470  if crt-stock-code = space go to end-it. 
000480  if crt-unit-size not numeric go to correct-error. 
000490  move crt-prod-desc to product-desc. 
000500  move crt-unit-size to unit-size. 
000510  move crt-stock-code to stock-code. 
000520  write stock-item invalid key go to correct-error. 
000530  go to normal-input. 000540 end-it. 
000550  close stock-file. 
000560  display space. 
000570  display "end of program". 
000580  stop run.
  |   | |     |
  |   | |     +-- Columns 12-72 - Area B
  |   | +-- Columns 8-11 - Area A
  |   +-- Column 7 - Indicator Area
  +-- Columns 1-6 - Sequence Numbers