属性 (COBOL、Java)

*> Attribute on a class
class-id Attributes
    attribute Author(name AuthorName = "Benjamin Franklin").

*> Attribute on a field
01 book string attribute Author(name AuthorName = "Benjamin Franklin").

*> Attribute on a property
01 bookProperty string property
    attribute Author(name AuthorName = "Benjamin Franklin").

*> Attribute on a method and argument
method-id GetAnotherBook
    attribute Author(name AuthorName = "Benjamin Franklin")
    (arg1 as string
        attribute Author(name AuthorName = "Benjamin Franklin"))
    returning return-value as string.
        set return-value to book
end method.

end class.

*> Attribute definition
 attribute-id AuthorAttribute public.
 01 AuthorName string property.

end attribute.
// Java terminology : annotation
// Annotation definition
import java.lang.annotation.*;

// Annotation on a class
@authorAttribute(authorName = "Benjamin Franklin")
public class attributes {

    // Annotation on a field
    @authorAttribute(authorName = "Benjamin Franklin")
    String book;

    // Annotation on a method
    @authorAttribute(authorName = "Benjamin Franklin")
    String getTheBook() {
        return book;

    // Annotation on an argument
    @authorAttribute(authorName = "Benjamin Franklin")
    String getAnotherBook(
        @authorAttribute(authorName = "Benjamin Franklin") String arg1) {
        return book;

// Annotation declaration
@interface authorAttribute {
    public String authorName();