BINSTORAGE エミッターのプロパティ

Writes to Microsoft Azure table storage in binary format.

Before you can view the trace files output by the BINSTORAGE emitter you download them from Microsoft Azure table storage to a local file using the ctfazure utility. Once you have done this you can view the local file using the CTFViewer utility.

BINSTORAGE エミッターを有効にするには、統合化トレース機能の構成ファイルに次の文を指定します。

mftrace.dest = binstorage

次に、BINSTORAGE エミッターの動作を制御するために設定できるプロパティの一覧を示します。

The name of the Microsoft Azure storage account to be used. The names of the storage accounts you have created can be found in the "Storage Accounts" section of the Microsoft Azure management portal.


The Microsoft Azure storage access key. When a storage account is selected in the "Storage Accounts" section of the Microsoft Azure management portal, its associated primary and secondary access keys are displayed in the Properties window.


トレース イベントが書き込まれるテーブルの名前。
