What is AWM?

The Application Workflow Manager (AWM) is a framework based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) which enables you to seamlessly integrate an application development workflow into an Eclipse IDE.Modifying an AWM model enables you to adapt and extend the EMF model so that you can integrate an application development workflow according to your organization's requirements.

At run time the AWM model is loaded and interpreted as an AWM application.The AWM application can modify the functionality and user interface of the views contributed by AWM to the Eclipse IDE enabling you to customize the workflow as required.

AWM provides a number of function packages that contain objects and tools that enable you to develop application workflow in specific areas.For example, a function package containing tools to handle Eclipse resources.

An interface is provided that enables you to extend or develop your own function package.See AWM API Programming and Extension Points for more information.

AWM provides the following views.See Views for more information.

To work with an AWM application, open theアプリケーション エクスプローラー ビュー:

  1. Click Window > Show View > Other.

    This opens the Show View dialog box.

  2. Expand Micro Focus Team Developer.
  3. Click アプリケーション エクスプローラー.
  4. [OK] をクリックします。