
プリンター出口モジュールのサンプル (sampprnx.cbl) は、デフォルトでは製品インストール ディレクトリの \src\enterpriseserver\exits サブディレクトリにあります。このサンプルでは、単に各行を取得し、COBOL ランタイム システムの印刷ルーチンを呼び出してその行を印刷します。

プリンター出口は COBOL で記述されている必要はありませんが、sampprnx の指定どおりにパラメーターを処理する必要があります。これらのパラメーターは、cascbprn.cpy コピーブックで定義および記述されています。COBOL プリンター出口は、非メインフレーム方言、つまり CHARSET(ASCII) を使用してコンパイルする必要があります。また、これらのプリンター出口は、.int.gnt、または .dll としてビルドしなければなりません。

sampprnx の連絡節および cascbprn.cpy を次に示します。

linkage section.
 copy 'cascbprn.cpy' replacing ==(ws)== by ==lk==.
 01 lk-catalog-rec. 
  copy 'mvscatlg.cpy' replacing ==(TAG)== by ==lk==. 
  copy mvsdout  replacing ==()== by ==LK-OUTPUT==.
  copy 'spool.cpy' replacing ==(tag)== by ==lk==.
       01  (ws)-prn-exit-interface.
           *>  What is the format of the structure used to call the
           *>  printer exit.  Will change with major revisions to this
           *>  Data Structure.
           03  (ws)-prn-version                     pic x(4) comp-5.
               88  (ws)-prn-current-version-88      value 1.
           *>  The printer exit is driven once as the batch printer SEP
           *>  starts, once for every print job, and once when the batch
           *>  printer is shut down.
           03  (ws)-prn-command                     pic x    comp-5.
               88  (ws)-prn-exit-init-88            value 0.
               88  (ws)-prn-exit-print-88           value 1.
               88  (ws)-prn-exit-term-88            value 2.
           *>  For the requested print job.  (ws)-prn-exit-print-88
           *>  what is the character set of the data being printed.
           03  (ws)-prn-char                        pic x.
               88  (ws)-prn-char-ascii-88           value 'A'.
               88  (ws)-prn-char-ebcdic-88          value 'E'.
               88  (ws)-prn-char-unknown-88         value '?'.
           *>  This is the file status returned by driving the procedure
           *>  pointers:
           *>              (ws)-prn-sysout-open-pptr
           *>              (ws)-prn-sysout-read-next-pptr
           *>              (ws)-prn-sysout-close-pptr
           03  (ws)-prn-sysout-status               pic x(2).
               88  (ws)-prn-sysout-status-ok-88     value '00'.
               88  (ws)-prn-sysout-status-eof-88    value '10'.
           *>  Procedure pointer to drive the open of the sysout dataset
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only
           03  (ws)-prn-sysout-open-pptr            procedure-pointer.
           *>  Procedure pointer to a read of the sysout dataset
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only           
           03  (ws)-prn-sysout-read-next-pptr       procedure-pointer.
           *>  Procedure pointer to drive the close of the sysout dataset
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only           
           03  (ws)-prn-sysout-close-pptr           procedure-pointer.
           *>  Procedure pointer to allow a message to be driven to the 
           *>  console.  (all functions)
           03  (ws)-prn-message-pptr                procedure-pointer.
           *>  Procedure pointer to retrieve the next OUTPUT statement.
           *>  Returns a null (ws)-prn-output-record-ptr if none are 
           *>  available.
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only           
           03  (ws)-prn-output-read-next-pptr       procedure-pointer.
           03                                       procedure-pointer.
           03                                       procedure-pointer.
           *>  A pointer to the data structure contained in Spool.cpy
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                 
           03  (ws)-prn-spool-record-ptr            pointer.
           *>  A pointer to the data structure contained in mvscatlg.cpy
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                      
           03  (ws)-prn-catalog-record-ptr          pointer.
           *>  The printer handle for the printer assigned to the this SEP           
           03  (ws)-prn-printer-handle              pic x(4) comp-5.
           *>  The LRECL of the dataset being printed.
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                                 
           03  (ws)-prn-lrecl                       pic x(4) comp-5.
           *>  The Maximum LRECL of the dataset being printed.
           *>  Same as ws-prn-lrecl.
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                                            
           03  (ws)-prn-lrecl-max                   pic x(4) comp-5.
           *>  The Minimum LRECL of the dataset being printed. 
           *>  (Variable Length SYSOUT Datasets.           
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                                                       
           03  (ws)-prn-lrecl-min                   pic x(4) comp-5.
           03  (ws)-prn-file-disp                   pic x.
           *>  set to '1' to delete spool file on return
           03                                       pic x(3).
           *>  The length of the buffer used to return data when driving 
           *>     (ws)-prn-sysout-read-next-pptr
           *>  (How much data was returned)
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                                                                             
           03  (ws)-prn-buffer-len                  pic x(4) comp-5.
           03  (ws)-prn-buffer.
               05  (ws)-prn-buffer-byte occurs 384 times pic x comp-x.
           *>  The "MVS" Name of the document being printed.
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                                                                             
           03  (ws)-prn-document.
               05  (ws)-prn-document-len            pic x(2) comp-5.
               05  (ws)-prn-document-title          pic x(128).
           *>  The name of the batch printer driving this print job.
           03  (ws)-prn-printer.
               05  (ws)-prn-printer-name-len        pic x(2) comp-5.
               05  (ws)-prn-printer-name            pic x(128).
           *>  The "physical" filename for the file being printed.
           *>  (eg.  Where does it reside on the disk pack)
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                                                                  
           03  (ws)-prn-sysout-file-name            pic x(260).
           *>  A pointer to an OUTPUT Statement associated with this 
           *>  SYSOUT Dataset.  Points to the data structure contained
           *>  in IDADOUTP.CPY
           *>    (ws)-prn-exit-print-88 only                                                                  
           03  (ws)-prn-output-record-ptr           pointer.